Sempre hi ha un àngel vetllant per tu si ets capaç de veure'l.
(Foto: Isaías Fanlo.)
Tomé esta foto hace unos días, en una especie de "safari fotográfico" solitario por Barcelona, y desde el momento en que apreté el botón de mi cámara supe que sería una de las fotos que he tomado últimamente que más me gustan. La verdad es que, en mi opinión, aquella tarde estuve especialmente inspirado.
En mi fotoblog, he añadido una pequeña historia a la foto. Está en inglés, pero lo cuelgo para quien quiera leerla. La falta de tiempo me impide traducirlo al castellano.
"It was a magical afternoon. I was wandering around town with my cameras, only to take pictures. And in a small passage lost in the center, I found this painting. I was really amazed by her expression, she was like an angel, and if you moved, here expression changed, as if she was alive. She had her eyes closed, but, even though, she was looking right at meBut, since she had been drawn not looking at the street, she had a melancholic expression. A wonderful drawing.I took the picture overexposing the street to highlight the passage and also to give an etereal mood to the rest of the picture. I wanted to suggest what would be this world looked from the angel's eyes.Then, I felt a presence. I turned back, and there was another photographer like me, with exactly the same Canon EOS350D like me, taking a picture of the scene with me inside. He looked at me with shy eyes, almost apologising for using me as an unconcious model. I smiled and say "That's ok, I'm always doing the same", and talked for a while.He showed me the pictures he'd taken. And I was amazed: even though we photographed the same spot, the place was not the same. His pictures had a homogenic light, they were a little bit blurred, and the angel had a frozen expression. In mine, the angel was alive.I stayed silent. After a while, we said goodbye and he went away. When I turned back and I saw the angel looking at me, again with her eyes closed and with a different expression (was that the ondulation of the passage's rocks?), I understood that this one was my angel."
3 comentarios:
Una pena que no entienda el texto en inglés...la foto es muy buena. Me encanta el contraste luminoso/sombra.
Que anjo mais lindo!... :-) Um beijo grande.
no necesito el texto...mi amiga leonor alasraki es una experta en ángeles y me habla mucho de ellos...
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